Wednesday Night Run Workouts

Wednesday Night Run Workouts

Our Wednesday night runs are organized runs and change throughout the year.  They are geared to get you faster, stronger in the run so you are able to run through those triathlons and pick up a place or two in your age group.


Erik Hysken has been our leader for this and will continue to do this for this year.  He is a great runner and knows what he is doing so follow his workouts and be prepared to improve your run.

Traditionally they start off with some type of hill workout on Hines on the 5 mile road hill.  Members meet in a part close by and run slowly to warm up.  Then the leader starts the workout so that everyone runs up the hill the same amount of time at their own pace.  At a prescribed time everyone is informed to turn around wherever they are and run back to the strart.  With this technique everyone finish each hill repeat at the same time!

Later in the year be prepared for track workouts and some tempo runs.

Be sure to sign up for the Running News Group to stay informed of the location and time for each run as they will NOT be sent to all members.


Below are some group shots of past runs:

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