FAST offers two different levels of Triathlon Training Classes
1. Beginner (Class 101)
2. Intermediate (Class 201)
Below are the requirements and who should take which course
Both classes utilize both Zoom meetings and in person training
The in-person events are at Island Lake State Park - Spring Mill Pond
When: 6 pm to 8:30 pm early summer Monday nights
Training 101 – For Beginners
Purpose: Get you ready to do your first sprint triathlon
It is an 8 class program starting May 15th and going through July 17th with no classes on the week of Memorial
Day and 4th of July. It is geared to help an individual finish their first sprint triathlon or provide basic approaches
to improve your sprint triathlons. Monday Evenings 6 pm to 8:30 pm; first two meetings are in May and which will
be conducted via 1 hour Zoom meetings.
Cost: $50 for non-FAST Members and need USAT card or $25 for FAST Members
Multiple coaches with diverse backgrounds in swimming and triathlons
Start Date: Mid May
The course will include items such as:
Registration to be opened once we confirm with Island Lake State Park and receive an approved permit
Training 201
Purpose – Intermediate level, for those triathletes wanting to better their triathlons or attempt a long course
It is a 5 session program geared to help an individual become a faster/stronger triathlete; sprints through a full
140.6 distance triathlon.
When: Monday Evenings - May sessions will be 1 hour long zoom, online, meetings at 8 pm
In-person classes are held at Island Lake State Park, Spring Mill Pond on Mondays -6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Cost: $30 for non-FAST Members (need USAT card) or $15 for FAST Members
Optional bike maintenance training July 4th in the morning to address simple maintenance
The course will include items such as
Registration to be opened once we confirm with Island Lake State Park and receive an approved perm
last updated Dec 21, 2024