Hall of Fame

Volunteer Hall of Fame



Name: Bill Krause
Year Inducted: 2021
Bio Info:

Talk about the unexpected. What an honor! I was inducted into the Striders Volunteer Hall of Fame recently. Annie and I moved down here from Michigan in 2006, and we joined the Striders not too long after that. I remember those days. That's when I could actually run. Boy, that ship has sailed. Anyway, we were in awe of how much the Club did for the community and wanted to be a part of this. We joined the Board in 2009, and before you know it, we were the Social Directors. We did that for 3 years until I traded in my hat for the Treasurer position, and Annie started working on the Race Volunteer Committee. I have also served on the Scholarship Committee since 2010. What a rewarding experience! Seeing the kids' faces when they receive their "big cardboard check" just really makes your day. I retired from my paying job in 2014 and went full time with my more rewarding, non-paying job with the Striders:-). I added the title of Race Director for the Resolution Run 5K and for the Run To The Sun 8K to my other duties in 2015. Thankfully I didn't muck them up too bad before turning over the reins this past year. The people in this club continue to amaze me and I am so proud to be a part of this wonderful group, and honored to be in the Volunteer Hall of Fame. Does this mean I can retire? Just kidding, sort of. I want to take this opportunity to ask everyone, especially our younger members, to get more involved with the club. You will be doing yourself and your community a big favor, and you will feel great! Our club is over 40 years old and a lot of the same members have been volunteering for years. It is time for some fresh faces with fresh ideas to take over please! Thank you very much! Bill Krause

Name: Scott Hershey
Year Inducted: 2020
Bio Info:

When I was in my teens and early 20s I used to run on a regular basis. I then went into the USAF and pretty much stopped running. Then years ago when my my oldest son Drew was on the Wolfson High School Track/ Cross Country team. I was missing the running bug I had when I was in my 20s. While watching him compete was fun - the urge to start running again wasn’t there yet. But after watching my son Drew ran the Festival of Lights during his high school days I was hooked again. It brought back the memories of races I had run back in the 70s. After mainly running 5k’s and improving my race times came the natural progression to longer runs.I found that my training runs by myself were getting stale and lacked motivation. While helping out Kellie Howard at a Bolles Track meet she suggested joining with her and other Striders for weekly group runs. Through those group runs I continued to find a wealth of knowledge and training techniques in those runners. I believe in the positive aspects in running, training and competing for all ages. I have has been married for over 30 years and have 4 children. Drew, Josh, Tori, and Hope. My belief is that it doesn't matter whether you can run a 5K in 18 min or 60 mins your out there doing it. So It doesn't matter if your race time isn't what you want. Your willingness to keep training, learning and staying consistent in your training is the important thing. I believe in the Florida Striders so much that I filled many board positions over the years to try and try to promote the club as best as possible. Thank you for this Hall of Fame induction.

Name: Doug Barrows
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

It is an honor to belong to the Striders. I ran my first race in 1979, the Marine Corps Marathon, and it took 6 weeks to get over the pain and return to running. Shortly thereafter I discovered that there were Striders in my neighborhood who ran shorter races that needed less recovery time. I became a Strider but I don’t remember the date, just that we met at Lakeside for a 3 mile run every Wednesday. I was hooked, and served as race director for several races with the same fantastic support this club has always provided its volunteers. Striders are known for the class of their races and the support we give to families and schools. Having been on the board for 5-6 years, written for the StrideRight from my home in Germany and the ships I was stationed on, and helped with many of the kid’s 1-mile fun runs. I just thought helping and volunteering was returning the favor for all those who assisted the club as well. There was the 5 for 5 at 5 group who ran out of a tennis club (it had an excellent watering hole) and I was allowed to put on a Hash Run in Orange Park which dragged many through mud, water, stickers and down some dead end paths. I got Frank Frazier to do the Strolling Jim 42 mile run in TN and he has shown no appreciation for that over the years but I went on to run it 13 times so it is not as bad has he makes out. If you are reading this, you are a Strider and know you are always welcome to the social events we call runs. It has been my pleasure to meet and enjoy the miles with you. Thank you for the honor.

Name: Nancy Frazier
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

Frank - My running career started when I was in my mid 20's and I rapidly progressed to 2 miles per run - 2 or 3 times per week. I did that for at least 10 years thinking I was a runner. Then I met some folks that were training for a marathon and I naively said I would run it with them (not even knowing how long a marathon was). Turned out that those folks were involved in forming the Florida Striders and after a few months, I joined what was a very new club. Over the years I've been on the BOD multiple times and held a variety of positions up thru President. While on the Board (and after getting off the BOD) I volunteered as Race Director for several races (and as a race coordinator for many others). I continue helping Mike Mayse in his volunteering for race set up and equipment handling and I continue helping with the beginners 5K and ½ marathon classes. I've been fortunate over the years (while working my butt off) and had some decent races, but mostly I am proud of all the great friends I have acquired over the last 40 years

Nancy - My running career developed after I learned that my "social life friends" were runners and by hanging out with them I had to run to have a mutual activity with them. This quickly led to participating in many races including the River Run several years and other races from 5 K's up thru 1/2 marathons. As a part of my participation, I was on the BOD for a few years and served on various race committees and have helped Marge and others with registration for lots of races until I don't any more. My running came to an end a few years ago with having a hip replacement but I still walk multiple times per week and up to 6 miles on Sunday.


Name: Frank Frazier
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

Frank - My running career started when I was in my mid 20's and I rapidly progressed to 2 miles per run - 2 or 3 times per week. I did that for at least 10 years thinking I was a runner. Then I met some folks that were training for a marathon and I naively said I would run it with them (not even knowing how long a marathon was). Turned out that those folks were involved in forming the Florida Striders and after a few months, I joined what was a very new club. Over the years I've been on the BOD multiple times and held a variety of positions up thru President. While on the Board (and after getting off the BOD) I volunteered as Race Director for several races (and as a race coordinator for many others). I continue helping Mike Mayse in his volunteering for race set up and equipment handling and I continue helping with the beginners 5K and ½ marathon classes. I've been fortunate over the years (while working my butt off) and had some decent races, but mostly I am proud of all the great friends I have acquired over the last 40 years

Nancy - My running career developed after I learned that my "social life friends" were runners and by hanging out with them I had to run to have a mutual activity with them. This quickly led to participating in many races including the River Run several years and other races from 5 K's up thru 1/2 marathons. As a part of my participation, I was on the BOD for a few years and served on various race committees and have helped Marge and others with registration for lots of races until I don't any more. My running came to an end a few years ago with having a hip replacement but I still walk multiple times per week and up to 6 miles on Sunday.


Name: Marie Bendy
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

Ken and Marie started running in early 1981 and joined the Striders a year or so later. Ken soon deployed overseas and Marge Ruebush asked Marie to help as a volunteer with races. She worked the finish line pulling tags, helped with post race tab/time reconciliation and eventually began working registration.  Computer scoring was just coming into being with a DOS based “Runscore” program and Marie started doing the data entry and the myriad of behind the scenes tasks associated with registration. She oversaw race day registration for a number of races, was volunteer coordinator for numerous races and served on the board of directors for two years as Social Co-Chair. Over the years she has worked race day registration/number pickup for countless races, cocorinated distribution of computer scoring chips and assisted with awards presentation.
Ken has served as president, vice president, newsletter editor and penned a back page column “Racie Ramblins” in the Strideright that Marie proofed for eighteen years. He was race director for the Autumn Twilight “Run with the Tiger” and director of one of the largest fun run events the club has held. Ken also served as course director, awards presenter for numerous events and equipment manager. He has announced names of finishers at countless races and is known to many as the “Voice of the Striders”. Ken also served the Florida running community as RRCA State Rep for ten years and as RRCA Southern director for four years. He and Marie have served as Strider representatives at numerous RRCA conventions.
Ken and Marie also work the Jax Marathon registration/announcers booth and the Gate River Run where Marie heads up on-site computer registration and Ken is overall coordinator for the registration/packet pickup/shirt distribution area.  Although they are no longer able to run they walk with the Sunday morning group from IHOP in Orange Park when they are in town and continue to volunteer for races. Additionally, Ken maintains an online North FL race calendar that is quite popular.  

Name: Ken Bendy
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

Ken and Marie started running in early 1981 and joined the Striders a year or so later. Ken soon deployed overseas and Marge Ruebush asked Marie to help as a volunteer with races. She worked the finish line pulling tags, helped with post race tab/time reconciliation and eventually began working registration.  Computer scoring was just coming into being with a DOS based “Runscore” program and Marie started doing the data entry and the myriad of behind the scenes tasks associated with registration. She oversaw race day registration for a number of races, was volunteer coordinator for numerous races and served on the board of directors for two years as Social Co-Chair. Over the years she has worked race day registration/number pickup for countless races, cocorinated distribution of computer scoring chips and assisted with awards presentation.
Ken has served as president, vice president, newsletter editor and penned a back page column “Racie Ramblins” in the Strideright that Marie proofed for eighteen years. He was race director for the Autumn Twilight “Run with the Tiger” and director of one of the largest fun run events the club has held. Ken also served as course director, awards presenter for numerous events and equipment manager. He has announced names of finishers at countless races and is known to many as the “Voice of the Striders”. Ken also served the Florida running community as RRCA State Rep for ten years and as RRCA Southern director for four years. He and Marie have served as Strider representatives at numerous RRCA conventions.
Ken and Marie also work the Jax Marathon registration/announcers booth and the Gate River Run where Marie heads up on-site computer registration and Ken is overall coordinator for the registration/packet pickup/shirt distribution area.  Although they are no longer able to run they walk with the Sunday morning group from IHOP in Orange Park when they are in town and continue to volunteer for races. Additionally, Ken maintains an online North FL race calendar that is quite popular.  

Name: Paul Ruebush
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

I joined Striders in Mar 1979. At that time I was running a race somewhere every weekend.

I ran my first marathon in Wash DC in 1981.  I trained with the Striders on the various running loops on Sun morning. We did track workouts and training runs also on Wed night. I was a member of the Striders Masters Men’s team. I worked on the Clip and Sip detail of Drs lake Dr.

I participated in the Striders Breast Cancer Survivor Relay—a race to keep someone on the OP track for a full 24 hrs. When my racing days came to an end in 1999, I started helping out at the Strider races in various positions. I served sometimes as Finish Line Coordinator. The Striders  helped  give me the inspiration and determination to run 23 marathons and multiple other 5K, 10K and Half Marathons.


Name: Richard Allen
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

As a member of the Florida Striders since the early 1980s, I have served our club in various ways. I was on the BOD from 1984-1985 and received the RRCA Volunteer Award in 2003 for giving over 2000 hours of service to our club. I was the Finish Line Coordinator for our races for several years and also aided with the starting line when needed. For most River Runs, I helped with setting up and dismantling the Strider River Run hospitality tent area. For many years I participated in our club’s “Clip and Sip”, cleaning up the Doctors Lake Drive jogging path and then doing some rehydrating.

Other jobs include helping with the Anniversary Celebration every year, Fun Run Director for Saturday morning Fun Runs at the Orange Park High

School track in the late 70’s and early 80’s,  running on the Strider Master Team, which wasn’t a job, and also rolling and marking off some of our training run courses.


Name: Lori Scarlett
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

Stan and I joined the Striders in the early 1980’s.  There was a road race almost every weekend. I was usually there watching Stan. I’m not a runner, but I am a walker and a worker. I started helping at registration at all of the Strider races since the ‘80s. We traveled to a lot of marathons with the many close friends that we had made in the Striders. Those were some great times!! I also helped with the food at the Strider’s River Run Hospitality tent since 1992 when Stan first set it up. It was named “Stan’s Place” in his honor after he passed away in 2012. Since that time I have stayed involved by helping at those same activities.  Stan so loved running!! Thank you for being there for me!

 I would like to thank the Florida Striders for the Volunteer Hall of Fame Award. Very unexpected but very much appreciated.


Name: Jenny Allen
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

It is always a pleasure to volunteer for a club that I love so much. I don’t remember when Richard and I joined the Florida Striders but it was probably around 1981. I was the StrideRight Circulation Manager for 22 years, from 1984-2006, which also included mailing newsletters to all entrants of our four races. I served on the BOD from 1987-1992 and received the RRCA Volunteer Award in 1993 for volunteering over 2000 hours to our club. I was Registration Coordinator for many Strider races from 1984-1997. (Hog Jog-9yrs.; RTTS-8yrs.; Memorial Day-4yrs.)

Other activities include: “Clip and Sip” (cleaning up Doctors Lake Dr. jogging path); Strider River Run Hospitality Tent, since its inception; Compiling the quarterly Events Calendar for the StrideRight from 1987-1992; and custodian of the pennies for our Anniversary Celebration (Jenny’s Pennies) since 1987.


Name: Marge Ruebush
Year Inducted: 2016
Bio Info:

I Joined Striders in Mar 1979. I only ran for one yr, ran 2 races, turned into a walker and a worker. I Served on BOD for 5 yrs, Treasurer for 4 yrs, Race Director 2 yrs, Race Advisory committee 3 yrs, Registration Coordinator 30 yrs. I worked in the early days clearing Drs Lake trail that we called the Clip and Sip. I participated in the Breast cancer survivor relay where we stayed up all night to take our turn on the OP track. I was pleased to receive the RRCA Award for volunteering over 2000 hrs in 1992. I have organized the food set up for the River Run Hospitality Tent from the first year in 1992 and am currently still doing this for the Striders. I was awarded a Lifetime Membership to Striders in appreciation for my volunteer hrs. I was also Paul’s dedicated support person as he ran 5K’s to Marathons for 20 years. I am honored to be one of the initial inductees into the Striders Volunteer Hall of Fame.


Name: Bob Boyd
Year Inducted: 2017
Bio Info:

Awaiting Bio


Name: Vanessa Boyd
Year Inducted: 2017
Bio Info:

Awaiting Bio


Name: Mike Mayse
Year Inducted: 2017
Bio Info:

Awaiting Bio

Name: John Powers
Year Inducted: 2017
Bio Info:

Our family moved to Orange Park in 1981. It wasn’t long before I attended one of the Strider races and soon joined the Florida Striders as a member. Everyone was friendly and helpful, it was fun to be with the other members. It wasn’t long before Ken Bendy asked me to volunteer and help at one of the races. That got me started and I enjoyed the friendship and volunteer work to put on a good race. Soon I found myself as a Course Director, then Race Director eventually working all four of the Strider races. The culture of the membership enables the Striders to have successful races. They work hard and have a good time, all the while making each race just a little better than the last. Eventually I served on the board of directors for several years and also as President of the club. A highlight was twice attending the RRCA Annual Convention with Ken and Marie. Members of the club helped train me for my first marathon, the 1995 Marine Corps Marathon. Being with the 20 to 30 members who went to that event was a fun time and a great feeling to accomplish finishing my first marathon. This is something I never would have done without the encouragement of my Strider friends. I’m proud of our club and appreciate the many benefits of membership.

Name: Carol McDougall
Year Inducted: 2017
Bio Info:

Carol MacDougall has been associated with the Florida Striders for over 19 years, volunteering at most of the Florida Strider Fun Runs as a Clay County Elementary Teacher and P.E. Coach. She became a member of the Striders eight years ago. She herself is not a runner (shin splints) but a supporter of all running activities. Competitive swimming is her true love. Carol is originally from Sarasota where she swam competitively throughout her childhood and has coached swimming in our area since 1991 and has been the head swim coach for Clay High for the past 14 years. Her relationship with the Florida Striders began when she became the sponsor for the Children’s Run/Walk Club at R.M. Paterson Elementary in 1998. She has been very involved with assisting other elementary Run/Walk Clubs getting their own programs started and supplies them with Mileage Club awards and t-Shirts that are sponsored by the Striders as the Striders Children’s Running Coordinator. She has served on the Striders Board of Directors and assisted the Striders in the Children’s Hershey Track & Field Games. She has also been a participant and currently the Power Walking Coach the past few years in the yearly Striders Running & Walking Class. Carol is married to Bruce “Mac” MacDougall who retired from the United States Navy in 2000 and is the owner of Divers Den Georgia in St. Mary’s. They have one daughter (Melissa) who is married, a Clay High graduate and currently attending Nursing School at St. Johns River State College.

Name: George Hoskins
Year Inducted: 2018
Bio Info:

I was a Strider in the early 1980’s, but did not get into leadership or volunteering. Running with the Sunday morning group helped me train for my first Gate River Run and my first Jacksonville Marathon. In 2000 I re-joined the Striders, to once again benefit from the Sunday morning group run. In 2003 I joined the Board of Directors, and initiated an “Adopt a Mile” effort to bring back regular maintenance to the Drs Lake Running Trail. We did this until the County widened and improved the trail years later. In 2004 I became the Merchandise Coordinator. The Merchandise position was very active at that time, as every new Strider was given a free Strider tee shirt, and we sold a large quantity of Strider gear at every race we held. After that I was the Treasurer for a few years, giving it up, and dropping off the Board, when I started working out of town for extended periods of time. I came back on the Board in 2013 and became the Membership Coordinator in 2014. Other Strider activities that I have given a lot of time to include photographing many Strider events, and Coordinator of our Gate River Run Expo Booth. I feel very honored to receive the Volunteer Award in 2018.