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What are The Driven's fees?

Our product/services are absolutely free for the event director and their events. We do charge a very competitive online registration fee that is paid by your participants. No two events are the same. As such, our goal is to provide you pricing that is unique to your event and meets your specific objectives. Please contact us for more information.

Is the online transaction secure?

Absolutely! The Driven takes the security of an online transaction very seriously. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption (issued by GoDaddy.com, Inc.) on our payment server. This encryption scrambles all payment information between the participant's computer and our servers.


DISCOUNT CODES allow you to offer reduced pricing to select registrants. For example, you may want to offer early bird pricing to the first 100 registrants within a certain window of time, or you may want to offer a percentage off to registrants who spend a certain dollar amount.

How do I set up DISCOUNT CODES?

DISCOUNT CODES allow you to offer reduced pricing to select registrants. For example, you may want to offer early bird pricing to the first 100 registrants within a certain window of time, or you may want to offer a percentage off to registrants who spend a certain dollar amount. Under the DISCOUNT CODE OPTION, select DISCOUNT OFFER. Then, enter in the text you want for the DISCOUNT CODE, such as “EARLYBIRD”. Then, select the dates you want the code to be effective, and the amount of the discount--either in terms of dollars off the regular fee or a percentage off. Next, you will choose whether to restrict the DISCOUNT CODE’s usage. If you select NO RESTRICTION, then your DISCOUNT CODE will be able to be used by any registrant during the specified discount code window. You can restrict the use of the DISCOUNT CODE by setting a minimum cart dollar amount for use of the code OR by limiting the usage to a set number of participants (you set the number!). Be sure to click the gray SAVE button within the DISCOUNT CODE OPTION section before continuing. You can add multiple DISCOUNT CODES to meet your event’s need, and you can assign different DISCOUNT CODES to different Events/SUB-EVENTS. Note: The discount will be applied prior to the processing fee. Should you need unique DISCOUNT CODES for your event, just let us know!

How will I get payments from The Driven for my event?

In the EVENT PAYMENT SET-UP section of your event creation, you can opt to receive your payments via an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or via a mailed check to the address you provide. Should you choose to receive payment via EFT, you will need to provide the bank’s routing number and your account number, as well as a scan/photocopy of a voided check from the selected account. The Driven disburses payments every two weeks; however, if your event has unique needs, just let us know.

How secure is the PAYMENT system for my registrants?

We use the highest level of SSL encryption offered by GoDaddy. This scrambles all of the payment information and none of your registrants’ card information is stored on our servers.

What are The Driven's fees?

Our product/services are absolutely free for the event director and their events. We do charge a very competitive online registration fee that is paid by your participants. No two events are the same. As such, our goal is to provide you pricing that is unique to your event and meets your specific objectives. Please contact us for more information.

Is the online transaction secure?

Absolutely! The Driven takes the security of an online transaction very seriously. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption (issued by GoDaddy.com, Inc.) on our payment server. This encryption scrambles all payment information between the participant's computer and our servers.


DISCOUNT CODES allow you to offer reduced pricing to select registrants. For example, you may want to offer early bird pricing to the first 100 registrants within a certain window of time, or you may want to offer a percentage off to registrants who spend a certain dollar amount.

How do I set up DISCOUNT CODES?

DISCOUNT CODES allow you to offer reduced pricing to select registrants. For example, you may want to offer early bird pricing to the first 100 registrants within a certain window of time, or you may want to offer a percentage off to registrants who spend a certain dollar amount. Under the DISCOUNT CODE OPTION, select DISCOUNT OFFER. Then, enter in the text you want for the DISCOUNT CODE, such as “EARLYBIRD”. Then, select the dates you want the code to be effective, and the amount of the discount--either in terms of dollars off the regular fee or a percentage off. Next, you will choose whether to restrict the DISCOUNT CODE’s usage. If you select NO RESTRICTION, then your DISCOUNT CODE will be able to be used by any registrant during the specified discount code window. You can restrict the use of the DISCOUNT CODE by setting a minimum cart dollar amount for use of the code OR by limiting the usage to a set number of participants (you set the number!). Be sure to click the gray SAVE button within the DISCOUNT CODE OPTION section before continuing. You can add multiple DISCOUNT CODES to meet your event’s need, and you can assign different DISCOUNT CODES to different Events/SUB-EVENTS. Note: The discount will be applied prior to the processing fee. Should you need unique DISCOUNT CODES for your event, just let us know!

How will I get payments from The Driven for my event?

In the EVENT PAYMENT SET-UP section of your event creation, you can opt to receive your payments via an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or via a mailed check to the address you provide. Should you choose to receive payment via EFT, you will need to provide the bank’s routing number and your account number, as well as a scan/photocopy of a voided check from the selected account. The Driven disburses payments every two weeks; however, if your event has unique needs, just let us know.

How secure is the PAYMENT system for my registrants?

We use the highest level of SSL encryption offered by GoDaddy. This scrambles all of the payment information and none of your registrants’ card information is stored on our servers.

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