Sept Five Mile Fling


The Plano Pacers Five Mile Fling and Kids K will be held on Sept 26th at 8:00am at Bob Woodruff Park. The 5 mile event will start at 8:00am and the Kids K should start at about 9:15am, after the 5 mile event. There will also be a virtual option for those who would rather run by themselves in their own neighborhood. Please forward your 5M virtual results in an email to with:

Subject: Pacer Sept virtual race
Race distance: Name: age: gender: location: min:sec
Example: 5M: Jane Doe: 55: F: Richardson: 40:20

For those participating at Bob Woodruff Park, please read the following carefully:
Due to Covid-19, the City of Plano is not currently permiting any races, so this will be a social run. The course will be marked and timing will be available for members who wish to test their fitness level. The run will be chip timed so that we can spread out and start in waves if we have a large group in attendance. W
e will be streamlining our processes to minimize person to person contact. There will be no in-person registration or membership sign-ups on race day. Please use the online website to process your membership sign-ups/renewals. Prior to 7:45 on race day, members can pick up chips. Members do not need to pre-register, just bring your chip, or show up early to pick up a chip. Non-active (expired) members should renew online prior to Sept 25th at 6:00pm.

Guest pre-registration is open on our Five Mile Fling event website here until Friday Sept 25th at 6:00pm. Active members do not need to pre-register, just bring your chip, or show up early to pick up a chip.

Please note the following guidelines and modifications to our normal race day activities:

1. If you are feeling sick, or have a fever, or if you have been in contact with someone unrecovered from COVID-19, please do not participate.

2. Please wear a mask (a bandana over your mouth and nose will do) during close interactions, such as while picking up chips and around the start/finish lines.

3. Please maintain social distancing before the start, during the run, and after the run. Be aware that due to Covid-19, the runner/walker/biker traffic at Bob Woodruff Park is extremely high and we need to be respectful of the other park users.

4. To spread out runners, we will use a timing mat at the start (as well as the finish) so that we can organize runners by pace and spread out the start.

5. Plan to bring your own water, if needed. We may not have any on the course and will have a limited quantity of bottled water at the finish line. We’re still finalizing our plans for after run food, stay tuned.

6. To minimize social contact, we will not be announcing awards/handing out trophies. The results will be posted online.

We know that this is not “business as usual”, and appreciate your patience and cooperation as we try to provide some semblance of normal during these times.

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