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board, with a Motorola 68000 processor and a Zilog Z80 sound controller chip. In Japan, the Mega Drive fared poorly against its two main competitors, Nintendo's Super Nintendo Entertainment System and NEC's PC Engine. The Genesis achieved considerable success in North America, Brazil, and Europe, thanks to its library of arcade game ports, the popularity of Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog series, several popular sports franchises, and aggressive youth marketing. It was succeeded in 1994 by the Sega Saturn. More than 30 million first-party Genesis units were sold worldwide.

Name: Milind
Position: SR TESTER
Email: milind.driven@gmail.com
Bio: Look around and you will see headlines everywhere. We see them on movie marquees, splashed across newspapers and magazines, on the Intern Read more
Name: Nelson
Position: Dev
Email: milind.driven@gmail.com
Bio: Look around and you will see headlines everywhere. We see them on movie marquees, splashed across newspapers and magazines, on the Intern Read more
Name: Robbin
Position: SEO SEO SEO Robbin Robbin Robbin
Email: milind.driven@gmail.com
Bio: Before we can begin to write headlines, we need to understand their functions. Just like those movie poster titles, the main purpose Read more
Name: Milind z
Position: Functional
Email: milind.driven@gmail.com
Bio: Before we can begin to write headlines, we need to understand their functions. Just like those movie poster titles, the main purpose of Read more
Name: Aawaj
Position: Leader
Email: aawaj.driven@gmail.com
Bio: my name is aawaj Before we can begin to write headlines, we need to understand their functions. Just like those movie poster titles, the ma Read more
Name: Test new staff
Position: Leader
Email: aawaj.driven@gmail.com
Bio: Before we can begin to write headlines, we need to understand their functions. Just like those movie poster titles, the main purpose of head Read more
Name: Aawaj dhanvij
Position: Leader
Email: aawaj.driven@gmail.com
Bio: jhfshfsucb bcsdhasfeu sdhbcyre acbehkabye hkjsdfdsffsdafs fsdfsdfsfas fsdfsafsafs fasdfsdfsadfsfsfsaf sfasfasdfsafsf sfsadfasfasfasfas fasf Read more

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