Board of Directors

President - Preside at meetings of the board of directors, shall assure that the board of directors is advised on all significant matters of the club's business, represent this association in the RRCA, to call any special meetings, and to recommend to the Board for approval, committees and chairpersons thereof. Some examples of the President's activities include coordinate the activities of board members and other club volunteers, respond to questions and requests from club members, potential sponsors, other nonprofit organizations and businesses, and the general public, interface with public officials, etc.

Vice President - Assume the powers of the President in the absence of the President, and to assume duties as delegated by the President or Board of Directors. The vice-president shall perform such duties as the board of directors may prescribe.

Secretary - Record minutes at meetings, to keep a file of such minutes, and, when requested by the president, to accept assignments involving correspondence and the keeping of records. The recording secretary shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the board of directors or these bylaws.

Treasurer - Administer all financial duties and to have authority to sign or disburse necessary appropriations, as directed. The treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the corporation and shall keep and main tain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and records of accounts of the properties and business transactions of the corporation. The treasurer shall: (a) deposit, or cause to be deposited, all money and other valuables in the name and to the credit of the corporation with such deposito ries as may be designated by the board of directors; (b) disburse, or cause to be disbursed, funds of the corporation as may be ordered by the board of directors; and (c) have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be pre scribed by the board of directors or these bylaws.

Membership Director - Recruit new members and assist with retaining current members. Maintain a database of member information and provide it to the Board of Directors and others as needed. Process the documents associated with new members and membership renewal of existing members.

Head Race Director - Coordinate the monthly 4th Sunday races by recruiting the Race Director(s) for each race, providing them the instructions they need for conducting the race, guiding them as needed, tracking and informing monthly race directors of volunteer sign-ups that come in through different channels, and conducting a post-race follow-up. Attend the 4th Sunday races to observe, assist, or provide any necessary direction. Participate in conducting annual or semiannual training of race directors.

Training Director - Select target races with Board input for the upcoming year and coordinate training classes throughout the year (beginning, intermediate, trail, etc.) Conduct weekly training runs at a variety of Bay area trails to support training for the selected races and entice runners of all abilities to join us. Write up brief descriptions of the training runs including driving directions and trail maps where available, e-mailing interested participants weekly reminder notes with run details. Answer questions regarding the runs as needed.

Volunteer Director - Propose, plan, and implement activities at club races and social events to train, encourage, recognize, and reward volunteers. This includes annual or semiannual training of race directors and volunteers.  Recruiting and recognizing volunteers for other events. The Director would also work with the Communications Director to post and maintain information that promotes volunteering in the club, gives instructions on volunteer duties, and tracks and recognizes volunteers.

Social Activities Director - Coordinate publicity of club activities, prepare press releases as needed, and help promote the club in other media including the Internet. In addition, plan and coordinate club potlucks, assist in holding other social events, arrange for the venue, purchase and supply any food and drinks provided by the club, solicit guest speakers, etc.

Club Sponsorship Director - Interface with our local running stores and clubs to cross promote relationship.  Build and maintain club discounts for members.  Seek opportunities for health and fitness product promotions and prizes for distribution at larger races and training programs. Committee is also responsible for ordering LMJS logo'd apparel, selling it at club functions, keeping track of the inventory, and tracking apparel revenue.

Communications Director - Manage the creation, compilation, production, editing, and online publication of the LMJS newsletter as directed by the Board. Solicit articles from members.  Maintain and update the LMJS website.

Name: Jeanine Holmlund
Position: President / Training Dir

Name: Jack Zakarian
Position: Vice President / Treasurer

Name: Theresa Woo
Position: Secretary

Name: Karen Andrews
Position: Head Race Dir

Name: Marie Nakagaki
Position: Membership Dir / Webmaster

Name: Edmundo Vito Cruz
Position: Volunteer Dir

Name: Kathryn Dernham
Position: Communications Dir / Race Relations Coord

Name: Mark Campbell
Position: Social Activities Dir

Name: Allegra Kim
Position: Member At Large

Name: Jen Watters
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