Why Join?
Membership in LMJS offers a number of benefits for runners. First and foremost are the group running experiences you can have and the people you will meet that share the same interests you do. While many fun runs and other informal activities do not require membership in the club, most of the runners who participate in them are LMJS'ers. A lot of club-oriented relationships evolve out of the informal gatherings and just add to the total running experience here in the East Bay. So we encourage you to become/remain a member of the club to take advantage of our other offerings. Some of the benefits that are available to members include the following:
Discounts on race entry fees at the 4th Sunday Runs, Couples Relay, and Tilden Tough Ten, and other club affiliated races.
Social activities including potlucks with guest speakers, picnics, Saturday Fun Runs, training clinics and team entries at various races. (More SOCIAL info)
Weekly group training runs to help you get ready for an upcoming race and meet other runners.
Bulletin sent to members only automatically.
Our sponsors offers discounts at local stores, such as TranSports, Sports Basement, etc.
Honors members who have completed all three distances at the 4th Sunday runs with the Total Time Competition awards and certificates.
Invitation to recognition event for volunteers honoring members who have contributed their time and effort to club activities.
Team participation in major Northern California races such as Tahoe Relay in June and Christmas Relay in December at Lake Merced in San Francisco.
Supports local running activities such as Girls on the Run, Running for a Better Oakland, the East Bay Triple Crown Challenge, East Bay Front Runners, etc.
Join or Renew Your Membership
New Members sign up via our online application form. Membership is valid for one year from date of sign up:
Online new member application
If you are already a member follow the steps to renew online. Membership is extended for one year.
Online renewal Instructions
You can use the paper form to join or renew membership. Download and complete the application. Mail your form with a check to the LMJS address on the form.
LMJS Membership Application.pdf