Run 'Til You Snowdrop- 24 Hour Treadmill Run
Number of donors 108
Pledged of $10,000.00 goal
Top Donors
Donor name Fundraising Amount
Erica Smedema $250.00
Mike Betz
Megan Andrews $200.00
Judy Klippel $200.00
Lisa Cherney $200.00
Breeze Dairy Group $200.00
Nikol Waters $150.00
Mike Rock $150.00
Joy Hannemann $100.00
Nathan Schloemer $100.00
Rob Worth $100.00
David Rock $100.00
Denise Hajos $100.00
Laurie Rock $100.00
Michelle Ruplinger $100.00
Katie Gerrits $100.00
Allison Gleisner $100.00
Melissa Truyman $100.00
Mary Eickmeyer $100.00
Anonymous $100.00
Erica Smedema$250.00
Fundraising Amount
Mike Betz$250.00
Fundraising Amount
Megan Andrews$200.00
Fundraising Amount
Judy Klippel$200.00
Fundraising Amount
Lisa Cherney$200.00
Fundraising Amount
Breeze Dairy Group$200.00
Fundraising Amount
Nikol Waters$150.00
Fundraising Amount
Mike Rock$150.00
Fundraising Amount
Joy Hannemann $100.00
Fundraising Amount
Nathan Schloemer$100.00
Fundraising Amount
Rob Worth$100.00
Fundraising Amount
David Rock$100.00
Fundraising Amount
Denise Hajos$100.00
Fundraising Amount
Laurie Rock$100.00
Fundraising Amount
Michelle Ruplinger $100.00
Fundraising Amount
Katie Gerrits$100.00
Fundraising Amount
Allison Gleisner$100.00
Fundraising Amount
Melissa Truyman$100.00
Fundraising Amount
Mary Eickmeyer$100.00
Fundraising Amount
Fundraising Amount
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Snowdrop Foundation of Wisconsin