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10th Annual Snowball Run
Pines Montessori School
3535 Cedar Knolls Drive
Kingwood, TX 77339
United States 
Saturday, December 7, 2019
9:00 AM
Donor Information
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Other monies will be used to enhance the grounds of the Infinity Science Park, a multi-use, community-built playground and nature reserve located behind Pines Montessori School in Kingwood, Texas.  A 501(c)3 non-profit organization,  your donation may be tax-deductible.  If you have ever played on the park behind Pines you know what a gem of a park this community play space is.  Your contributions will help Pines with the maintenance and upkeep of the play spaces within.  Previous runs have provided new play equipment, improvements to the gazebo (now with lighting and electrical), tent coverings over the play structures, and water fountains, for example.

Infinity Science Park



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