For more information on keeping your family, home, and business safe, please contact one of the Crime Prevention Specialist listed above.
Arlington PD Sgt. Vince Pewitt 817-459-5726
Bedford PD Deidre Spears 817-952-2476
Benbrook PD Mike Mullinax 817-249-6079
Euless PD Robert Bryan 817-685-1687
Fort Worth PD Billy Rudd 817-392-3405
Grapevine PD
Hurst PD Michael Katekaru 817-788-7384
N. Richland Hills PD Wayne McEachran 817-427-7024
Richland Hills PD
TCCD PD Abu Baba
Tarrant County SO Kelly Biggs 817-238-4200
UTA PD Alexis Howard
Child Protective Services cannot protect children alone. Local police departments have joined with them on the front line of the battle against child abuse and needs the support of the community. Information on keeping your family, home, and community safe is distributed at the event. Your participation in the CAC Fundraiser will help make a difference in the lives of children and make our community a safer place to live!