
Join officers to help make a difference in the lives of precious children!

Community Partners of Tarrant County

For some children in our community, home is not a safe place. In 2016, there were 222 child deaths from abuse and neglect in Texas, 24 of which occurred in Tarrant County. During the same time, Child Protective Services (CPS) received over 17,000 reports of child abuse and neglect in Tarrant County and worked with over 5,000 children each month. Most often, these children come into the CPS system hungry and with nothing but what little they have on. They come from homes where despair and hopelessness and sometimes violence have replaced love and nurturing. Community Partners of Tarrant County is the official, on-site, charitable organization helping abused and neglected children with concrete needs. Local law enforcement agencies have joined together to help CPS children and needs your support! Please bring your family to walk or run to help these precious children. Together, we can make Tarrant County a safer place to live! For more information, call 817-255-8820 or Holly.Anderson@dfps.state.us.tx

CPTC is a 501(c)3 and all donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Please add our facebook page: Facebook.com/cptctx