Raise Funds/ Donate Now

Race for the Halo 2015
12303 Sonnier Street
Houston, TX 77044
United States 
Saturday, February 14, 2015
8:00 AM
  • Click on the Donate now button if you ONLY want to make a donation to a team or individual fundraiser and you will NOT be participating in the event.
  • Click on the Raise funds button if you ONLY want to become a fundraiser and you will NOT be participating in the event.
  • If you will be participating in the event, Click on the Register tab above--there you will have the option to become a fundraiser and/or make a donation to a team or individual fundraiser.
Help us meet our fundraising goal !
EVENT GOAL >$10,000.00
AMOUNT RAISED>$10,880.00
Race for the Halo 2015 Benefitting: Real Life Angels

Please join us for our first Race for the Halo 10K/5k and kids 1k benefitting Real Life Angels. www.RacefortheHalo.com


Deussen Park
12303 Sonnier Street
Houston, TX 77044