EVENT GOAL>$30,000.00
AMOUNT RAISED>$27,041.00
Christine Witzmann Donation Page
Team Name: Alaska Rural Veterinary Outreach, Inc
Event: Visitor Industry Charity Walk
Fundraising for Visitor Industry Charity Walk

Hello!  My name is Christine, and I am a volunteer for ALASKA RURAL VETERINARY OUTREACH, INC. You can find more info about our mission at http://www.akrvo.org and http://www.Facebook.com/AKRVO. Please support our efforts to help pets in rural Alaska!  

ARVO is hoping to raise $1,000 with the help of pet-loving friends throughout the tourism industry!
What can we accomplish with $1,000 at one of our remote clinics?
$1,000 will cover "health care packages" for 10 female dogs, including:

  • Spay surgery
  • Rabies shots
  • Parvo Vaccinations
  • Deworming
  • Nail-clipping

A female dog can have 2 litters per year, with up to 10 puppies per litter = 20 puppies per year!

That's a lot of puppies!  Many communities in remote areas have too many puppies and not enough homes for them.   As a result, puppies are either destroyed shortly after birth, without having any humane euthanasia methods available.  This is traumatic for both the mother dog and the puppies.  
Otherwise, these puppies often end up as stray dogs, living a very difficult life.
Such "health care packages" have many other positive impacts on entire communities:

  • Fewer stray dogs
  • Reduction of the threat of Rabies
  • Protection from disease such as Parvo/Distemper
  • Save, healthier environment for pet owners, especially the children!

Please walk for ARVO and please donate to our mission!  Your support will do a lot of good:  reduce suffering, prevent unwanted pregnancies, improve health and safety of remote communities! 


Make a Donation to the Christine Witzmann Fundraising Effort

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CAPTAIN GOAL  >  $1,000.00
Thank you for your support! Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
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