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Stallion Stampede Fun Run, Silent Auction & Breakfast
Silvercrest Elementary School
3003 Southwyck Pkwy
Pearland, TX 77584
United States 
Saturday, April 8, 2017
7:30 AM
Donor Information
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Make a Difference
Mission Statement: The Silvercrest Elementary PTA seeks to strengthen the connection between school and home through communication and collaboration. As an organization, we strive to support student success by offering meaningful programs and educational opportunities, including reading enrichment, art performances on campus, healthy field day fun, and support for our classroom teachers. 
Funds raised by the Stallion Stampede go towards our Year End Gift to Silvercrest Elementary, and thus will having a lasting impact on students. 
Giving Option
 Please consider absorbing this processing fee so that 100% of your donation goes to our cause.*
Credit cards accepted  
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