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Fleet Feet Sports HMSA Classical 25K, 10 Miler & 5K Fun Run
400 Texas Street
Houston, TX 77204
United States 
Sunday, November 22, 2015
7:00 AM
Donor Information
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Cenikor Foundation

For more than 40 years, Cenikor Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, has helped people with chronic addictions. There is no quick fix for addiction. The road to recovery is a gradual, ongoing process that takes perseverance and commitment.  The journey requires compassionate care at every stage. Cenikor's professional staff provides that care and guidance, from detoxification, through short-term inpatient treatment and long-term residential programs for adolescents and adults, as well as outpatient and after-care programs.

Avondale House

Avondale House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency that recognizes each individual with autism has unique strengths and needs and utilizes various training strategies to support their different learning styles. We specialize in working with children and adults who are profoundly impacted by this disorder, and implement effective plans to promote positive changes in those we serve. Our day school program, adult day habilitation program and residential group home services are designed to nurture individuals on the spectrum throughout the course of their lives, while helping them reach their fullest potential.

Madison High School Track & Cross Country Teams
Madison High School is an inner city high school in the HISD system. As is the norm these days, they have a severe funding shortage. HMSA is proud to be able to support their track and cross country teams by providing shoes and uniforms for their athletes. Your support as part of this effort is most welcome!
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