Participant List

2017 DRC Independence 5K and 10K
950 E. Lawther Dr.
Dallas, TX 75218
United States 
Saturday, July 1, 2017
8:00 AM
Participants list
First Name Last Name Registration Option How old will you be on race day
Brian Bartkoski July Independence 10K -
Robert Haworth July Independence 10K -
Eileen Haworth July Independence 5K 60
Philip Richardson July Independence 5K 36
Tiffany Thao Richardson July Independence 5K 36
Arturo Navarro July Independence 5K 40
Tyler Alley July Independence 10K -
John Kramer July Independence 10K -
Teddy Viator July Independence 5K 65
John Flinchbaugh July Independence 5K 31
First Name Brian
Last Name Bartkoski
Registration Option July Independence 10K
First Name Robert
Last Name Haworth
Registration Option July Independence 10K
First Name Eileen
Last Name Haworth
Registration Option July Independence 5K
First Name Philip
Last Name Richardson
Registration Option July Independence 5K
First Name Tiffany Thao
Last Name Richardson
Registration Option July Independence 5K
First Name Arturo
Last Name Navarro
Registration Option July Independence 5K
First Name Tyler
Last Name Alley
Registration Option July Independence 10K
First Name John
Last Name Kramer
Registration Option July Independence 10K
First Name Teddy
Last Name Viator
Registration Option July Independence 5K
First Name John
Last Name Flinchbaugh
Registration Option July Independence 5K
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