Participant List

2016 August 3x2 Cross Country Relay
200 North Buckner Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75201
United States 
Saturday, August 6, 2016
8:00 AM
Participants list
First Name Last Name Team Name
Mark Dainty Rowlett Rockstars
Christopher Mewing The Maunaloas
Nikki Davis AARP
Oskar Villafuerte Toxic Soles
Kara Young Aloha
Megan Zetnick Toxic Soles
Christa Davis GTFO
Stephanie Moreno Toxic Soles
Jenall Gold GTFO
Rebecca Lange Dark White Chocolate
First Name Mark
Last Name Dainty
Team Name Rowlett Rockstars
First Name Christopher
Last Name Mewing
Team Name The Maunaloas
First Name Nikki
Last Name Davis
Team Name AARP
First Name Oskar
Last Name Villafuerte
Team Name Toxic Soles
First Name Kara
Last Name Young
Team Name Aloha
First Name Megan
Last Name Zetnick
Team Name Toxic Soles
First Name Christa
Last Name Davis
Team Name GTFO
First Name Stephanie
Last Name Moreno
Team Name Toxic Soles
First Name Jenall
Last Name Gold
Team Name GTFO
First Name Rebecca
Last Name Lange
Team Name Dark White Chocolate
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