2022-2023 Tornados Membership Sign-up




This is the old sign up sheet from 2022-2023 Season. The page for June 2023-2024 is at June 2023-2024 page

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Tornados Running Club.  Our apologies,  online registration is closed at the moment.  For information on the club go to www.tornadosrunningclub.com 

From the website you can download the registration form and mail in the fee, or give the form and payment to any one of the board members at the Tuesday workout. We look forward to seeing you!


Registration for the 2022-2023 Tornados Running Club

Membership Term is from June 2022 through July 30, 2023

Individual Membership $20.00

Family Membership $30.00

Contact Event Director

If you have any questions about this event, click the button below.