Run 'Til You Snowdrop- 24 Hour Treadmill Run

Run 'Til You Snowdrop- Virtual Weekend Run/Walk Event



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Snowdrop Foundation provides scholarships for college bound pediatric cancer patients and childhood cancer survivors while raising awareness and funding for continued research to cure childhood cancer.  100% of our donations go directly to the cause.  In just forty-five years, the overall survival rate for children with cancer has increased from 10% to 70%.  Thirty percent still need our help, as well as the help of scientists, researchers and doctors.  That is why 60% of our funds go to a selected doctor or doctors to use for their research for finding a cure for pediatric cancer.  The other 40% go to well deserved scholorship winners of pediatric cancer patients or survivors.
Please consider absorbing the donation processing fee so that 100% of your donation goes to our cause.*


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