Northwest Indiana Triathletes


Northwest Indiana Triathletes Constitution and Bylaws

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1 - Article I - Name

Section: Article I - Name

Article I - Name The name of the organization shall be NWI Triathletes.

2 - Article II - Purpose and Objectives - Section 1 - Purpose

Section: Section 1 - Purpose

Section 1 - Purpose To be a triathlon club for Northwest Indiana.

2 - Article II - Purpose and Objectives - Section 2 - Objectives

Section: Section 2 - Objectives

Section 2 - Objectives Promote triathlons as a whole, to encourage athletes of all interests to participate at their own skill level. To actively educate the public of the dynamics of individual and relay triathlons. To promote health, wellness and safety of triathletes. To work as an advocate for triathletes with affiliations of similar organizations.

2 - Article II - Purpose and Objectives - Section 3 - Methods

Section: Section 3 - Methods

Section 3 - Methods NWI Triathletes, through its Board of Directors, shall engage in such lawful programs and activities and take such action as is lawful for a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Indiana (IC 23--7-1.14 check citation) which be deemed necessary or advisable by the Board of Directors to accomplish the objectives of the Club as stated in these By-Laws

3 - Article III - Membership - Section 1 - Type

Section: Section 1 - Type

Section 1 - Type There shall be two types of membership: Active or Honorary.

3 - Article III - Membership - Section 2 - Application for Membership

Section: Section 2 - Application for Membership

Section 2 - Application for Membership Prospective members shall complete the NWI Triathletes Registration online, which shall be signed by each member and will be accompanied by the annual dues currently in effect.

3 - Article III – Membership - Section 3- Liability Disclaimer

Section: Section 3- Liability Disclaimer

Section 3- Liability Disclaimer The Membership Registration shall include an appropriate disclaimer of liability for the Club. The NWI Triathletes hosted website will house all such applications and disclaimers.

3 - Article III – Membership - Section 4 - Conditions of Membership

Section: Section 4 - Conditions of Membership

Section 4 - Conditions of Membership Membership shall constitute members who are current in their dues. Failure to pay dues in the time prescribed shall constitute forfeiture of the rights and benefits of membership. Persons not paying dues by the prescribed time will be considered inactive and be required to renew online. Members who flagrantly violate the conditions stated in the Ride Policy shall forfeit the rights and benefits of membership. The Board of Directors will enforce compliance with the Ride Policy.

3 - Article III – Membership - Section 5- Rules of the Road

Section: Section 5- Rules of the Road

Section 5- Rules of the Road NWI Triathlete members shall familiarize themselves with the USAT rules and regulations (

3 - Article III – Membership - Section 6 - Voting

Section: Section 6 - Voting

Section 6 - Voting Each and every member of NWI Triathletes in good standing shall have one vote for Board Members and club official elections.

3 - Article III – Membership - Section 7 - Discrimination

Section: Section 7 - Discrimination

Section 7 - Discrimination NWI Triathletes shall abide by USAT SafeSport rules and in no way discriminate in admitting members according to their race, nationality, color, section, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender or physical ability.

3 - Article III – Membership - Section 8 - Distribution of the Constitution and By-Laws

Section: Section 8 - Distribution of the Constitution and By-Laws

Section 8 - Distribution of the Constitution and By-Laws These will be accessible to active members on website and if unable to access, a copy will be provided upon request by a Board Member. The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of Board Members.

4 - Article IV - Dues - Section 1 - Dues

Section: Section 1 - Dues

Section 1 - Dues The dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors, submitted at the regularly scheduled Board meeting in November, and approved by the membership via survey.

4 - Article IV - Dues - Section 2 - When Payable

Section: Section 2 - When Payable

Section 2 - When Payable Member dues will be payable at expiration of your current membership.

4 - Article IV - Dues - Section 3 - Assessments

Section: Section 3 - Assessments

Section 3 - Assessments Should such a situation arise that a financial assessment be required of the membership, the following rules shall apply: 1. Notification shall be sent to the membership and shall state the amount of the proposed assessment. 2. Upon appropriate evaluation and discussion of such an assessment by the membership at the next regular meeting, a 2/3 majority of those present in person shall be required for passage.

5 - Article V - Meetings - Section 1

Section: Section 1 - Board of Directors Meeting

Section 1 - Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors meetings shall typically be held monthly. Not less than seven days’ notice shall be given to each member of the Board as to the time and place of the meeting. A quorum shall consist of five members of the Board of Directors present.

5 - Article V - Meetings - Section 2 - Order of Business

Section: Section 2 - Order of Business

Section 2 - Order of Business The order of business at each regularly scheduled meeting shall consist of at least the following: 1. Segue 2. Scorecard Review a. Club Growth/Reach b. Social Media Posts c. President Report d. Treasurer Report 3. Quarterly Initiative Review 4. Headlines/Information to Share 5. To-Dos 6. Issues 7. Conclude

6 - Article VI - Officers/Governing Body - Section 1

Section: Section 1

Article VI - Officers/Governing Body The government of NWI Triathletes shall consist of an elected Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following positions. 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Board Members (5) Total of nine (9) Board Members.

6 - Article VI - Officers/Governing Body - Section 2 - President

Section: Section 2 - President

Section 2 - President The President shall coordinate and supervise the total Club programs, preside at Club and Board meetings and be empowered to appoint non-elected committee chairpersons. Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

6 - Article VI - Officers/Governing Body - Section 3 - Vice President

Section: Section 3 - Vice President

Section 3 - Vice President The Vice President shall assist the President in carrying out Club responsibilities. Should the President step down or be unable to perform their duties, the Vice President shall become the President and appoint a Vice President to be approved at the next Board meeting.

6 - Article VI - Officers/Governing Body - Section 4 - Secretary

Section: Section 4 - Secretary

Section 4 - Secretary The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and shall keep records of other Club events.

6 - Article VI - Officers/Governing Body - Section 5 - Treasurer

Section: Section 5 - Treasurer

Section 5 - Treasurer The Treasurer shall take full charge of all funds of the Club and deposit them in a bank selected by the Board of Directors in the name of the Club and shall keep electronic copies of bank statements ready for inspection by the Board of Directors at all times. At each meeting of the Board of Directors and General Membership, Treasurer shall submit a general statement of the financial condition of the Club; at the first meeting of the fiscal year (November 1 - October 31), submit a detailed report showing the financial transactions of the Club for the preceding year; and shall collect dues and pay all bills ordered by the Board of Directors. All checks will be signed by the Treasurer or the President, and debit...

6 - Article VI - Officers/Governing Body - Section 6 - Vacancies on the Board of Directors

Section: Section 6 - Vacancies on the Board of Directors

Section 6 - Vacancies on the Board of Directors If, during the course of the Club year, vacancies should occur on the Board of Directors, the President shall have the authority to fill such vacancies. Appointments shall be subject to the approval of the membership at the next regularly scheduled Club meeting.

6 - Article VI - Officers/Governing Body - Section 7 - Complaints

Section: Section 7 - Complaints

Section 7 - Complaints The Board of Directors must act on all complaints of intimidation and harassment to assure that all members are protected. Due process will be followed for all complaints by the next Board meeting.

7 - Article VII - Elections - Section 1 - Nominations

Section: Section 1 - Nominations

Section 1 - Nominations In September of each year, NWI Triathletes members will be able to submit nominations to the Board. All nominees must agree to hold office before the nomination is official and must be an active member in good standing.

7 - Article VII - Elections - Section 2 - Election Term of Office

Section: Section 2 - Election Term of Office

Section 2 - Election Term of Office New governing officers shall be elected each October and shall serve a term of two years starting in November of the current year, the 2 year term will alternate between the Board of Directors. Odd years, the members will elect the President, Treasurer and 2 Board Members. Even years, the members will elect a new Vice President, Secretary and 3 Board Members. If there is more than one nominee for any office, a general ballot will be approved by the current Board and distributed to all current members with simple majority being required to elect officers.

8 - Article VIII – Sponsorship - Section 1 - Definition

Section: Section 1 - Definition

Section 1 - Definition Any individual or business who offers monetary contributions or the use of goods and services for the purpose of the Club’s prosperity will be considered a sponsor of the Club.

8 - Article VIII – Sponsorship - Section 2 – Obtaining and Maintaining Sponsorships

Section: Section 2 – Obtaining and Maintaining Sponsorships

Section 2 – Obtaining and Maintaining Sponsorships Any member of the club may solicit sponsorship. All sponsors must be approved by the Board of Directors. In the event of a favorable vote for any sponsorship, said sponsor must sign an agreement binding them to certain rules and regulations. In the event of an unfavorable vote, reasons must be provided to the proposer.

8 - Article VIII – Sponsorship - Section 3 – Exclusivity

Section: Section 3 – Exclusivity

Section 3 – Exclusivity No single sponsor or their subsidiaries reserves exclusive rights to sponsorship of the Club. Sponsors do not retain any rights to determine the events in which the Club participates and agree to the use of their goods and services in any event in which the Club as a whole or in part participates.

8 - Article VIII – Sponsorship -Section 4 - Termination

Section: Section 4 - Termination

Section 4 - Termination: Sponsorships automatically expire at the end of each calendar year. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to resubmit their dues to retain their rights to any previous sponsorship. Any sponsor holding a non-compete clause, shall have until January 15th to renew sponsorship by completing the sponsorship application and paying for the annual sponsorship due. Any individual or business that serves as a sponsor found to be presenting themselves improperly so as to bring about the dis-reputability of the Club during the length of their contract will have their sponsorship revoked and forfeit the goods and services in use by the Club. The revocation of a sponsorship is the sole responsibility of the Board of...

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