The Chicago Area Runners Association is a non-profit organization committed to serving and advocating for the local running community. We are Chicagoland’s running club, providing accessible opportunities for all runners to train, race, learn, be social and volunteer.
Your donation supports:
Charity Running: Subsidized training for charity runners raising funds for over 50 local and national charities.
Advocacy and Community Service: Initiatives including trail improvements and clean-ups.
Removing Barriers: Making running more accessible through the neighborhood park-based, ‘Go Run program which provides free and welcoming 5K and 1 Mile events in underserved parks.
Hydration: Hydration stations along the Lakefront Trail and at six different suburban trailheads serve up to 20,000 cups of water and Gatorade Endurance on a given weekend.
Better Races: CARA Race Certification and free race director clinics helping local races improve their safety and operational standards.
Education: Clinics from top experts at no cost to help runners gain the knowledge to take their running to new levels.