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On November 9, 2013, runners and walkers will take the time to commemorate those affected by Leiomyosarcoma (LMS), a rare sarcoma cancer. This disease affects the smooth muscles of the body. At one time this disease was deemed as one that only affected middle aged individuals, but the reports of younger individuals affected by the disease continue to increase. The voice of Leiomyosarcoma is so small that no one can hear it. With only hundreds of people diagnosed, most people have never heard of it. Our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and girlfriends are dying. So are our fathers, sons, brothers, and husbands. They may be fewer, but the disease is no less vicious and cruel. The tumors grow large and fast and with a long-term survival rate of less than 25% we are desperate to find a cure. Although only hundreds have this cancer, the people who care for these victims are thousands strong.
Make a small $30 donation to benefit this crucial cause of Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) research. The run/walk will consist of supporters cohesively running and strolling in confidence that this disease can and will be conquered. In addition to this event displaying a hope-filled atmosphere, it will also consist of light hope-inspired music, refreshments and the attendance of a host of companies, organizations and political leaders proactively embracing the cause.
Those interested in retrieving walk information can visit us at or follow us on Facebook and Twitter