Number of donors 250
Pledged of $25,000.00 goal
Team Wendy Donation Page
8th Annual S.C.O.P.E. 5K Run/1K Run/Walk
Fundraising For SCOPE

Team Wendy is participating in memory of Wendy Chin, who touched so many lives during her treatment for rectal cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Anyone who met her knows firsthand the love that she had for her friends and family, and how dearly she is missed.

As one of the co-chairs of the SCOPE race, Dr. Eng has decided that she wanted to personally highlight the necessity of prevention by organizing a team to run in memory of her mother, Wendy. Although, she did not die of rectal cancer, failing to get screened as she had always been encouraged, and dealing with her resulting cancer definitely took a toll, even though that was not the cause of her eventual sudden passing.  

With your help, we can continue to share the message that colorectal cancer is curable if caught early, and reduce the impact this disease has through education and screening.  Go Team Wendy!

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Thanks to colorectal cancer screening and advances in treatment, the death rate from colorectal cancer has declined. In fact, screening is also allowing more colorectal cancers to be found earlier when the disease is easier to cure. There are now more than 1 million survivors of colorectal cancer in the United States. Colorectal cancer screening can help save lives!

In order to help promote colorectal cancer screening, MD Anderson Cancer Center is hosting its 8th Annual SCOPE (Sprint for Colorectal Oncology Prevention and Education) 5K Fun Run/Walk.

SCOPE invites you to partner with us to build awareness, promote education and celebrate survivorship, Saturday, March 23, 2013.