4th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race & Relay
Number of donors 1430
Pledged of $120,000.00 goal
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 11:59:00 PM
Daniel Barta Donation Page
Event: 4th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race & Relay
Fundraising For 4th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race & Relay

Please help support me in raising funds for the Snowdrop Foundation, a non-profit charity that is dedicated to funding continued research to eliminate childhood cancer and to provide scholarships for college bound pediatric cancer patients and survivors.

As you may know, pediatric cancer affected our family.  I lost a dear nephew, Rusty Anderson, 12 years ago to pediatric bone cancer when he was just 15.  I will be running in his memory.  This is a very deserving cause.

By the grace of God I was able to complete the 100 miles on Sunday, January 1st, 2017.  But my fundraising activity is not over.  This site will be open at least until the end of the month.  Could you help sponsor me to reach my minimum goal of $1,000, or better yet, my ultimate goal of $1,500?  Would you be able to sponsor me at $1 per mile?  50 cents a mile?  Any amount will be greatly appreciated. 

During the race a boy scout working toward his eagle rank put out 572 crosses on the course.  From this I found out that an average of 11 kids die of childhood cancer each hour, and that over the 55 hour race that totaled 572 kids.  It is such a terrible disease.  That's why I'm participating.  Can you help us try to make a difference?

I recall the song Do Something by Matthew West.  He was lamenting about all the trouble in the world.  He sang Well, I just couldnt bear the thought of people living in poverty, children sold into slavery, the thought disgusted me. So, I shook my fist at Heaven, said, God, why dont You do something?  He said, I did.. I created you We are Gods hands and feet on this world.  Lets make a difference, together!
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Thank you for your support! Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Contributor Name Donation
Daniel Barta $100.00
Greg Blackburn $100.00
David Conklin $50.00
Donald Brand $100.00
Christine Atkinson $55.00
Carmina & Chris Nannie $50.00
Angie Law $25.00
Barbara Wirth $100.00
Craig Myers $25.00
Janette & Bob Milmoe $50.00
Gabriel Maldonado $50.00
Total $705.00

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