9th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race and Relay
Number of donors 939
Pledged of $110,000.00 goal
Gilbert Gross Donation Page
Event: 12th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race & Relay
Fundraising For 12th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race & Relay

As I am preparing to run Snowdrop Ultra for the 3rd year, I’m approaching this Snowdrop with a much different perspective. On May 7th this year, our lives changed dramatically, when we took Anne Marie to the ER with what we thought were gall stones. Within a few hours, we were given a very different diagnosis of Stage IV cancer, which was later confirmed with a biopsy as an aggressive form of Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Many tears, much fear, endless prayers, doctor visits, tests, and two surgeries later, we entered the world of chemo infusions, which is all-too common for so many.

Chemotherapy is different for everyone, but for Anne Marie, it is a 3-week cycle. Chemo day is proceeded by labwork and a visit with her Oncologist, then a 4-hour infusion of two chemicals through a port implant in her chest. Following chemo, Anne Marie has one good day, followed by a week of pain, fatigue, and weakness. Then comes 2 weeks of relief as her healthy cells recharge, and she has a chance to rebuild her strength and mental stamina. We’re fortunate that so far her cancer is responding to the treatment, and we’re cautiously moving forward one chemo cycle at a time,    

As hard as it is to go through these cycles, Anne Marie and I are in it together with family and friends. After 33 years of marriage, we face this latest challenge together headed into our “golden’ years, cherishing each 21-day cycle and making the most of them, knowing it is a life well lived whether it is a few more cycles or many years.

As we run Snowdrop, hour after hour, we pass the smiling photos of all the children who face harder battles than ours, knowing that while many don’t survive, some continue to fight the battle and move on to live new adventures.   As hard it is working through our struggle with cancer, we cannot imagine how hard it would be to face this with a young child.

Please consider supporting this fundraiser by making a small donation.

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Make a Donation

Thank you for your support! Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Contributor Name Donation
Julia Helms $25.00
Jill Tollefson $25.00
Glenn Bailey $100.00
Lisa Decker $25.00
Ben Bridgeman $100.00
Leah Brasher $25.00
Jana Kruger $50.00
Paul Box $100.00
Anonymous $1.00
Sabrina Blackner $50.00
Suresh Sankula $25.00
Stephen Liao $15.00
Anonymous with LUV $25.00
Daniel Krzeminski $25.00
Benjamin Matthews $25.00
Stephanie Tonkin $100.00
Ritty Kuriakose $100.00
Isabel Ozu $20.00
Mary Beth Tabacco $250.00
Carrie Hamilton $25.00
Jason Permenter $50.00
Anonymous LUV $25.00
Thy Huynh
Linda Middleton $50.00
Dustin Branam $100.00
Nell Lawson $100.00
Shuba Chatterjee $100.00
Jolinda Murdock $25.00
Mark Hursh $100.00
Jenn McClung
Matt Rohrer $100.00
Stephanie Grantham $25.00
Mamtha Shriram $50.00
Jessa Weekley $25.00
Meg & Joe Eckert $114.00
Brian Kneeland $50.00
Julie Oquinn $25.00
Adrienne Embery-Good $150.00
Adobe matching $150.00
Anthony Szatkowski $100.00
James Richards $50.00
Nancy Pottinger $100.00
Michael Neirinckx $50.00
Total $2,775.00

© 2020 Snowdrop Foundation