9th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race and Relay
Number of donors 939
Pledged of $110,000.00 goal
Brad Smith Donation Page
Event: 12th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race & Relay
Fundraising For 12th Annual Snowdrop ULTRA 55 Hour Race & Relay

As a lot of you know Jennifer and I lost our son, Wade Allen Smith to Leukemia in January of 1997. This was extremely heartbreaking for us and our family, but through this tragedy there have been many blessings he put in motion . As another way to honor Wade and to help other children that are fighting cancer, I have challenged myself to compete and participate in Snowdrops ULTRA 55 hour  race and relay.

This will be my first year to take part in the ULTRA and have set a fundraising goal of $1000. Any support no matter how small goes along way. Thank you all very much! 


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Individual Statistics

Laps Goal
Note: This is the runner's best guess! While they might fall short, they might also do more than they thought possible! Donations per Lap will be calculated on official event lap count.

Make a Donation

Thank you for your support! Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Contributor Name Donation
John Kleimann $100.00
Jessica Tuttoilmondo $100.00
James Whisenant $50.00
Joseph Foreman $100.00
Michele Alleman $100.00
Brian Mcpherson $50.00
David Heiman $100.00
Meghan Lambert $30.00
Kyle Zarosky $50.00
Angie Lambert $50.00
The Reagan Family Reagan $50.00
Glenn Schanzer $100.00
Shane and Heather Martin $100.00
Cynthia Kovacevich $25.00
Ann Blanchard $100.00
Walter Zarosky $50.00
Lisa Mcvey $100.00
Lisa Erenwert $100.00
Deloris LaFave $50.00
Aimee & Danny Barnett $25.00
Paula Davis $25.00
Daniel/Theresa Zarosky $50.00
Justin and Meriam Wallace $25.00
Vickie Hardy $25.00
Amanda Kramarz $50.00
Katherine Smith $50.00
Raymond Tricia Howard $25.00
JC Brandon $50.00
Bryan and Samantha De La Rosa $100.00
Amy Crippin $75.00
Collie Hagen $100.00
John Purcell $25.00
Macy Parrish $50.00
Lisa & Albert Zarosky $100.00
Anonymous $30.00
Mike Blanchard $100.00
Barbara Meeks $50.00
Dianna Gaspard $50.00
Jennifer Schmieder $100.00
Joseph Wylie $100.00
Deborah Cooley $40.00
Anonymous $25.00
Joe Hinojosa $100.00
Curtis Citty $50.00
Chase Fovargue $50.00
Sam Streacker $100.00
Jeremy Perez $100.00
Patrick Boucher $50.00
Melissa Knight $100.00
Gary & Tammy Ratley $145.00
Dylan/Kay Zarosky $145.00
Total $3,565.00

© 2020 Snowdrop Foundation