EVENT GOAL>$30,000.00
AMOUNT RAISED>$27,041.00
Donation Page of OrlandoTrip HowardHansen
Team Name: MCA Church
Visitor Industry Charity Walk
Fundraising for Visitor Industry Charity Walk

MCA Youth Visitor Industry Charity Walk for National Fine Arts-Orlando, Florida

Each year the Assemblies of God encourages students to discover, develop and deploy the talents that God has given them by participating in a competition called Fine Arts.  This year, students from all over the state of Alaska gathered on March 20 and 21 to present their entries.  The students of MCA Youth Ministries presented dozens of entries in many different categories including drama, worship band, choir, poetry, short sermons, vocal solos, instrumental solos and photography (to name a few).  From these entries, 13 were awarded Superior with invitation which means they were considered good enough to compete on a national level in Orlando, Florida this August along with thousands of other entries from all over the United States.  MCA Youth Ministries plans to take a group of students to Orlando, Florida this August to attend National Fine Arts. The cost for each student to attend is $1750.00.  I, along with many of our students will be participating in the Anchorage Visitor Industry Charity Walk on May 8th in an effort to raise funds for this trip.  If you would like to help us by contributing toward the entire group's trip expenses, please click on the donate button below, choose an amount or enter any amount of your choosing and proceed with the donation.  If you would like to contribute to a specific individual's trip expenses, please click here, select the name of the individual you would like to support and proceed with your donation.  

Thank you for supporting MCA Church and our students!

Make a Donation to the OrlandoTrip HowardHansen Fundraising Effort

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MEMBER GOAL   >   $5,000.00
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