EVENT GOAL>$30,000.00
AMOUNT RAISED>$27,041.00
Rust's Flying Service and K2 Aviation Donation Page
Visitor Industry Charity Walk
Fundraising For Visitor Industry Charity Walk

Rust's Flying Service and K2 Aviation is walking to support Make A Wish Alaska Washington.  The Rust's family has been personally touched by this wonderful organization.  This April, Lauren Rust is experiencing the magic of a wish.

"Lauren likes to dance, and she likes to be in the spotlight. That's why, after battling kidney cancer, she made an exciting wish: to be a dancer in her own music video."

-Make A Wish Alaska Washington

100% of every dollar donated to our team will go to Make A Wish.  We appreciate your support in making wishes come true! 



Make a Donation to the Rust's Flying Service and K2 Aviation Fundraising Effort

100 %
0 %
TEAM GOAL  >  $1,500.00
AMOUNT RAISED  >  $630.00

Support Our Team

Click here to make a donation to our team fundraising page. If you'd like your donation to be credited to a member of the team please click on their name below.
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Click Here to join Our Team as a Runner/Walker.
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Thank you for your support!
Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Team Members (Donations made to team members will be credited to their individual and team page.)
Amount Raised
Donations To Team Page