EVENT GOAL>$30,000.00
AMOUNT RAISED>$27,041.00
Alaskanette Baton Corps Donation Page
Visitor Industry Charity Walk
Fundraising For Visitor Industry Charity Walk
As a kickoff to the Alaskanette Reunion taking place the next evening, please consider joining the Alaskanette team and "grazing to raise" some funds for the Corps.  More than half of your registration cost for the walk, and all of any additional funds you donate or raise from others, will go to the Alaskanettes as a donation to our non-profit.  We eat, we walk, we talk and visit, and maybe even twirl a little along the way to the celebratory finish at the Dena'ina Center.  Be sure to wear an Alaskanette shirt, or let us know to bring you a spare :-)
Make a Donation to the Alaskanette Baton Corps Fundraising Effort

100 %
0 %
TEAM GOAL  >  $500.00
AMOUNT RAISED  >  $100.00

Support Our Team

Click here to make a donation to our team fundraising page. If you'd like your donation to be credited to a member of the team please click on their name below.
Click Here to join Our Fundraising Team.
Click Here to join Our Team as a Runner/Walker.
 Register >
Thank you for your support!
Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Team Members (Donations made to team members will be credited to their individual and team page.)
Amount Raised
Donations To Team Page