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Houston Eye Associates Foundation is committed to preserving and restoring sight with comprehensive eye care surgeries, medications and ancillary services for individuals in financial hardship; and supporting education and research initiatives for the benefit of the community.
EVENT GOAL>$50,000.00
Symantha CousinsPaligo Donation Page
Houston Eye Associates Foundation "Lookin' Good" Shamrock Strut
Fundraising For Houston Eye Associates Foundation

Hey Ya'll! Thank you so much for taking the time to come and check this out. My name is Symantha and I am 27. When people look at me, they don't really see a runner because I am overweight. For the last couple of years, I have participated in 5Ks and would love to do more. Why? Because I love to run! So what if I am the biggest or slowest person out there? I love to run, but not as much as I love helping people! Last year, I found a cool and fun way to mix my love for running with my love of helping others: the HEA Lookin Good Shamrock Strut! I participated last year and enjoyed every minute, even though I didn't win... because HEA and their foundation won. When the time came to register for it this year, I was quite reluctant as I have put on some weight since last year and I haven't been training. Then My loving husband CJ (married Jan. 17, 2015) encouraged me to sign up and reminded me of how much fun I had last year. So I signed up and I am ready to runnnn! LOL This year I found something else cool as I was registering... more ways to help HEA Foundation.. and that is to be a fundraiser. I jumped at the chance naturally because I love to help others. Through the fundraising efforts of the other runners and I, we can help HEA Foundation to help more uninsured adults and kids who cannot afford it to receive the necessary eyecare they need to live. So what if I am the biggest and slowest one at the race? That doesn't matter. I do it for Houston Eye Associates Foundation and the people they serve! Please help us to help HEA foundation! Thanks for all the love and support! See ya on race day!


Make a Donation to the Symantha CousinsPaligo Fundraising Effort

100 %
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INDIVIDUAL GOAL  >  $2,500.00
AMOUNT RAISED  >  $10.00
Thank you for your support! Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Contributor Name
Anonymous $10.00
Top Fundraising Teams
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Houston Eye Associates Foundation is committed to preserving and restoring sight with comprehensive eye care surgeries, medications and ancillary services for individuals in financial hardship; and supporting education and research initiatives for the benefit of the community.