Participant List

Run for the Arts 5K
The Center for the Arts and Sciences
400 College Blvd
Clute, TX 77531
United States 
Saturday, May 6, 2017
8:00 AM
Participants list
First Name Last Name Age
Vicky Adams 64
Justin Freemen 34
Kelly Motter 66
Lauren Stroud 33
Brittany Norris 32
Bryana Cross 41
Glenn LaMont 61
Katharine Reed 47
Laura Ebach 65
Chris Young 40
First Name Vicky
Last Name Adams
Age 64
First Name Justin
Last Name Freemen
Age 34
First Name Kelly
Last Name Motter
Age 66
First Name Lauren
Last Name Stroud
Age 33
First Name Brittany
Last Name Norris
Age 32
First Name Bryana
Last Name Cross
Age 41
First Name Glenn
Last Name LaMont
Age 61
First Name Katharine
Last Name Reed
Age 47
First Name Laura
Last Name Ebach
Age 65
First Name Chris
Last Name Young
Age 40
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