2024 Fall Session #3 Lap Swim Program - Nov 9 through Dec 14

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If you would like to become a member of FAST Swim and Tri Club and get special membership discounts and benefits, CLICK HERE.

FAST Swim and Tri Club member enter your club credentials here to auto populate your personal information from club database.

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Basic lessons of swimming is required, it is intended for those that can already swim 100 yards or more in the pool without stopping.  

These are group swims where members share the lane with other swimmers and do the same sets at the same time.  FAST members only.

This session will not include a dedicated on-deck coach 100% of the time.

The sessions will require those participating to help prep the pool by putting in lane lines, removing any steps which are typically included in the pool and then getting it ready for the subsequent class.  (Schoolcraft only)

USMS registration is not required as all members must be FAST members


New process for securing your slot to swim with FAST.  Funds will be payable through Venmo or check prior to your first swim (you can hand deliver the check at the first session).

Cost: Livonia Rec and Schoolcraft

For $28  or $18 if swimming the width

Livonia Rec members pay $14 if they sign up for the Rec center.

  Venmo is @kcdooms with a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge and last 4 digits are 3474.




Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Volunteer Signup List (After making your selection(s), click on bottom button to complete sign up process)

 Volunteer Positions & Descriptions
Time Slots
Name of Volunteers
Available Slots
Volunteer Positions & Descriptions
25 meters swim at Schoolcraft
Swim with the group 7 am to 8:30 am at schoolcraft
11/09/2024 - 12/14/2024
Time Slots
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Name of Volunteers
Karen Morand
Saravanan Venkatachalam
Paul Wright
Available Slots
Volunteer Positions & Descriptions
Schoolcraft pool width - est 15 yards
Swim the width of the pool; no lane lines
11/09/2024 - 12/14/2024
Time Slots
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Name of Volunteers
Available Slots
Volunteer Positions & Descriptions
Livona Rec Center 25 yard pool swims
Swim at Livonia Rec (rec members pay $14 for the reserved lanes); non members must wait until 6:30 am to enter the pool
11/09/2024 - 12/14/2024
Time Slots
6:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Name of Volunteers
Katie Zeiter
Shawn Moxham
Randy Gavorin
Available Slots
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(To complete your volunteer registration, click on button here>)