Youth Track Meet Entry Fees April 19 - June 8, 2025



Youth Athlete Entry Fees - Gulf Assoc Dev Meets

*** Important Information ***

  1. This software platform is used to collect NW Flyers individual entry fees for "developmental track meets" that require pre-payment to the host team.
  2. It is not the actual entry into the track meet, the coaches will use you pre-payment / preferred events information and then enter your athlete into the host team's meet entry platform.
  3. If your pre-payment is late (= after the posted declare close date on the team website) there may not be enough time for coaches to then enter your athlete into the meet because that system has a closing date.
  4. If you pre-pay and then no-show to the track meet there are no refunds.
  5. Coaches discretion will be used entering athletes into specific events (i.e. a coach may enter you into a new event if there is an aptitude / interest for that event, and coaches may disregard a preference if the athlete has not demonstrated readiness for that event). 
Fee: $105.00


Gulf Assoc Developmental Track Meet Athlete Entry Fees

(2025 NW Flyers Club Membership and USATF Card are Required)

Note: This season all families must purchase the required USATF membership card directly at, the team's registrar / administrator can no longer purchase on your behalf.  Instructions on how to do this are posted on the team website on the "FAQ / Docs" tab.

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Contact Event Director

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