GLOW 5K 2022



Sorry! Online registration for this event is now closed.
However, you can still sign up-just head to the check-in desk at the race and they will take care of you. Thanks!


ABOUT:  In 2005, Maggies and Aggie Men’s Club joined together to put on the first Giving To Light Others’ Way (G.L.O.W) 5K. This partnership was formed to benefit our respective philanthropies: Kairos and Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Brazos Valley. Maggies supports Big Brothers & Big Sisters, a non-profit organization that works to revitalize and strengthen communities by providing empowering role models for the Bryan/College Station youth. AMC supports Kairos, a school located in Ciudad Vieja, Guatemala. Beginning as a Saturday feeding program for children in need, Kairos has grown into a school that provides education through the eighth grade. For more information about our philanthropies, you can go to our website:, and the Kairos website: This year GLOW 5k is taking place on campus after a two year hiatus due to COVID-19, however we are also offering a virtual option for runners that are interested in participaitng remote. Participants will be directly emailed with any updates and information as we near closer to race day!


GOAL: In the past few years, G.L.O.W. raised $26,000 and over 2,000 Aggies and the surrounding community participated. We hope to raise $30,000 for our philanthropies this year through your participation in this fun-run!


EVENT DETAILS: The 2022 race will take place on Saturday, February 19th at 9PM starting at Kyle Field Plaza and ending at Rudder Plaza. For the past 3 years, we have added a team aspect to G.L.O.W.. In addition to the the opportunity to sign-up individually, you can sign up as a team to run the 5K and complete 3 activities along the route. You can have as many people sign-up on your team as you want, but only 5 people will actually compete in the team aspect of the race. The additional people on the team will particpate as an individual in one of the individual waves. Even though the additional individuals won't run with the team or participate in the activities, each additional person will contribute a time reduction to their team's final time.  The team that finishes the 5k with the fastest time will earn a grand prize of $1,500 to the winning team's philanthropy of choice. The teams that finish in second and third place will receive prizes of $500 and $250 to give to the philanthropies of their choice. The best way to win is to go as fast as possible in the team race, and have as many people register on your team as possible! For more info about our team component, visit our website. Lastly, the first, second, and third place winners from the individual race will each earn a gift card.


REGISTRATION: Registration will get you participation in the 5K, a T-shirt, a glow stick, and access to our post-race celebration at Rudder Plaza with music and free snacks! In addition to online registration, tickets will be sold on campus as well as shirt distribution from February 9th-18th (Sbisa, Rudder Plaza, Polo Rec Center and Wehner) and at 8PM the night of the race.

Early-Bird Registration - January 23rd-30th - $15 for T-Shirt, $20 for Dri-Fit

Normal Registration - January 31st-February 18th - $20 for T-Shirt, $25 for Dri-Fit

Day-Of Registration - February  19th - $25 for T-Shirt

Contact Event Director

If you have any questions about this event, click the button below.