Come and run the parks through the Heart of Katy! St. John XXIII College Preparatory has teamed up with the City of Katy Parks and Recreation for this event. All proceeds will go towards academic support for the students of St. John XXIII. Please scroll down to see our FAQ section for race day information below the AWARDS section.
5K 1-Mile
$30 $15 Through January 15
$35 $20 Through February 14
$35 $20 Through February 18
There is no price increase for registration the week of the race; however, participants registering late are not guaranteed a t-shirt. There is NO registration on race day and packet pick up on race day is NOT available.

February 21, 2015
8:00 AM 1-Mile Fun Run Begins (in park) *will not be chip timed*
8:30 AM 5K begins
9:00- 10:45 Post-race Party
9:30 AM Awards Ceremony
Parking will be available in designated lots within Mary Jo Peckham Park.
Packet pick up will be at ER Katy, 25765 Katy Freeway, Katy, TX 77494 (281) 395-9900
Wednesday MORNING, February 18 8am-Noon
Thursday EVENING, February 19 5pm-8pm
Friday MORNING, February 20 8am-Noon
*There will be NO packet pick up available on race day*
Awards for the 5K will based on CHIP TIME. For the 1-Mile Fun Run, clock time will not be recorded but will be available at the finish.
5K: Overall male and female winners in the Open and Masters Divisions will receive a custom medal. Top 3 males and top 3 females in each age group: 11 & under, 12-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+ will receive custom medals.
1. Can I register the day of the race?
2. Where do I pick up my race packet?
See PACKET PICK UP section above.
3. Where can I park for the race?
See PARKING section above.
4. If I am not a runner, can I volunteer or be an event sponsor?
Yes. Please see the Volunteer tab (COMING SOON).
5. Are the t-shirts gender specific?
No. However, Adult small is the appropriate size to order if you need a child's XL.
6. May I change the race I have registered for?
Yes. You may change your race in person on one of the packet pick up dates. You will pay the difference if the price is higher. No refunds are given for changing to a lower priced race. You will not be able to switch races on race day.
7. May I race in more than one race?
Yes, but you must register and pay for each one separately.
8. If I can't run, can I get a refund?
No. Your entry fee will be used as a donation to St. John XXIII College Preparatory.
9. If I can't run, may someone take my place?
10. May someone else pick up my bib and race packet?
11. Does the race still happen in the rain?
Yes; however, we reserve the right to cancel the race in extreme circumstances.
12. Where does the race start?
Both races begin and end near the entrance to Mary Jo Peckham Park, just south of the main parking lot. A map of the race course, Start and Finish will be included in your packet.
13. Are strollers allowed on the courses?
Yes. 5K walkers/runners with strollers should line up at the back behind the other walkers/runners for safety purposes. Strollers in the 1-Mile Walk/Run should also line up behind runners/walkers.
14. Do I need to register my infant if he/she is in a stroller?
No. Anyone not in a stroller should be registered for the course.
15. My child is registered for the 1-Mile Walk/Run. Can I run with them?
If you don't think your child will be comfortable running alone, you may run alongside them.
16. May I wear my iPod or MP3 player while running?
17. What is the course limit for the 5K and the 1-Mile Walk/Run?
The course limit for the 5K is 1 hour, 15 minutes, and the limit for the 1-Mile run is 45 minutes.
18. May I bring my dog?
Dogs are not allowed on the race course but can be spectators as long as they are on a leash.
19. Are bicycles allowed on the course?
No. Animals, skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, etc. are not permitted on the race course.
20. Can I exchange my t-shirt for a different size?
Our order is based on the size indicated on your registration. However, if there are extra shirts after the race, we will gladly trade sizes with you.
21. Is there medical support on the course?
Yes. Medical support is provided by ER Katy.
22. Do I put my bib number on the front or the back of my shirt?
Pin your race number to the FRONT of your clothing and make sure it is visible throughout the entire race.
23. Will there be water stations?
Two staffed and equipped water stations will be positioned along the course for the 5K.
24. Will there be restroom facilities?
Yes. There are restrooms in the park and portable toilets will be available.
25. Are there refreshments after the race?
Yes. There will be both complimentary and for-sale items available after the race in the post race area.
26. Do you have a race photographer?
Yes. Photography will be provided by Chomer Photography. Photos will be available for purchase after the race. See your registration packets for more information.
27. How soon can I find out my race results?
Race results will be available onsite on race morning and will be posted within 48 hours.
28. Are there awards?
Yes. Please see the AWARDS section above.
29. When is the awards ceremony?
Awards and race results will be announced around 9:30 in the post race area.
30. If I don't stay for the awards ceremony, can you mail me my award?
Yes, or you may come by St. John XXIII College Preparatory between 8AM-3PM.
31. How do you handle timing/chips?
Run Houston Timing will facilitate timing.
32. Where does my registration go?
All proceeds from the Lion Heart 5K/1-Mile Fun Run will support academic needs at St. John XXIII College Preparatory including scholarships and financial aid.