Hello, again, NWITRI! Sorry for the second e-mail. I made a different typo for a group training event that I wanted to correct. Feel free to ignore/delete the other e-mail. My apologies!

Please find attached the Newsletter for May. It's my goal to get out a newsletter every other month going forward.

Highlights of this newsletter include:

1. Race Form 2024!

2. Upcoming Events! (Please note, I've fixed a typo on the OWS at Lake Louise. It is on Sunday the 26th - Saturday the 25th does not make an appearance this May) (I've also fixed ANOTHER typo on the Stone Lake event). 

3. LaPorte Sprint Triathlon! (Sign up to race!!! SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER!!!)

4. New Members!

5. New (Board) Members!

6. Sponsor Discounts!

7. Thanks to our sponsors!

Thanks for reading, and have a great racing season!

Myles Handley

NWITRI Webmaster

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